
I am a hungry bookworm who is constantly hunting for new, delicious books to devour. Up until quite recently, I've had trouble finding the right books and good opinions on them. Since I discovered "Goodreads", an app and a website,( most of those problems have been solved. 

"Goodreads" is an online site with thousands of reviews, ratings and recommendations on books. Any books can be searched and marked as "read", "to read" or "currently reading". If a book is marked as "currently reading" there is a option of entering the page number that you're on and the percentage of progress through the book will be shown. With each book comes its blurb, information on the author, a rating out of five stars based on heaps of personal ratings, and finally, many comments and reviews from other readers. 

One of my favourite things about "Goodreads" is the fact that there are so many reviews. Way too often I walk into a bookshop and find books that sound quite good but I want a second opinion from someone who has read it. That is why the review section of "Goodreads" is my paradise. Of course everyone is different, so everyone has a different view on things and what they think might not be what you think, but to get a general feel of the book is handy.

Also, "Goodreads" lets you find your friend's account and follow what they're reading. You can even review books yourself. As well as  seeing everyone else's ratings, you can also give your own reviews and ratings on the books you've read.

I hope that I've encouraged you to start using "Goodreads" and if you do, be sure to find my account and follow me to keep track of my latest favourite books. You can do this by selecting "Find Friends" in the activity bar and search "Inkpot Blogger". That's me! 

If you do give "Goodreads" a try, please comment what you think or any feedback for me.
Thank you!
~The Inkpot Blogger


  1. What a great App, thanks for sharing! Just downloaded it now, can't wait to have a look.


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